Team Revolution Layouts for Elementor
Welcome to team revolution layouts for Elementor WordPress Plugin. With this awesome plugin you can build your team layout in 1 minute using elementor. In this plugin are included 14 addons with 14 different styles
Required Elementor installed if you want use this plugin. Because this is an addon...
UberMenu - WordPress Mega Menu Plugin
The Ultimate WordPress Menu
UberMenu™ is a user-friendly, highly customizable, responsive Mega Menu WordPress plugin. It works out of the box with the WordPress 3 Menu System, making it simple to get started but powerful enough to...
EventON - WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin
WordPress Virtual Event Calendar Plugin
EventON Event Calendar for Wordpress is a beautifully crafted event calendar that presents events in a minimal clutter-free design. We take pride in designing EventON to stand up to latest design trends in the industry.
EventON comes packed with 200+...
Bookly PRO – Appointment Booking and Scheduling Software System
Automated online booking & scheduling for WordPress: fully customizable booking form with online payments, notifications, and Google Calendar sync.
Bookly Pro add-on enables advanced features of Bookly online appointment scheduling plugin. With Bookly Pro, you can
remove all the...
Popup Plugin for WordPress - Ninja Popups
Most popuplar Popup Plugin for WordPress on the Envato Market!
Ninja Popups for Wordpress combines a professionally designed popups to convert visitors on your site into taking an action whether it`s subscribing into your newsletter, offering a discount/coupon for leaving customers, or locking...
Ultimate Membership Pro - WordPress Membership Plugin
The most COMPLETE Membership Plugin with dozens of features
Ultimate Membership Pro is the well known and the best WordPress Membership Plugin for 8 years in a row that allow you to create and work with multi-level exclusive access for your Members based on simple Free Memberships or Payed...
Hide My WP - Amazing Security Plugin for WordPress!
Hide My WP is the number one security plugin for WordPress – and works on new and old versions of PHP and WordPress. It hides your WordPress server from attackers, spammers and theme detectors. We have more than 30,500 satisfied customers using Hide My WP. It will also hide your wp login URL and...
Master Slider - Touch Layer Slider WordPress Plugin
Master Slider WordPress slider plugin is a premium image and content slider with super smooth hardware accelerated transitions. It supports touch navigation with pure swipe gesture, that you have never experienced before. Master Slider is a truly responsive and device friendly slider which...
YellowPencil - Visual CSS Style Editor
YellowPencil – Visual CSS Editor
Version 7.5.8 is out! – The last update was released on 20 November 2022
YellowPencil is a WordPress CSS style editor plugin that allows you to customize your website design in real-time.
The plugin allows you to customize any page and theme without coding....
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